
Showing posts from June, 2018

Final Post

Dear Parents, I wanted to say thank you for sharing your awesome children with me all year long. They have been a real pleasure to learn with and I'm a better person for having relationships with each one of them. I hope everyone has a great summer and finds time to read with your kids. If you need resources to keep them reading please don't hesitate to contact me! Starting today they will be bringing home school materials that should stay at home. Please help by making sure to send them with an empty backpack Thursday and Friday - I'll send it home full! Report cards will go home Friday in their backpacks. They will know their 2nd grade teachers on Friday morning so check in with them about that when you see them Friday afternoon... Hope to see some of them in 5th grade... a few short years from now!!!! John Plenty of pictures in the shared folder ...

Really Winding Down

June 7th - Picnic at Shelburne Beach 5:00-7:00. Hope to see everyone there for some fun! Very much a "on your own" evening of socializing. Just food for your tribe, playing and no structured activities. June 8th - Button Bay State Park field trip: All day play time with a few activities like a nature hike, fairy house building, kickball, playground time, etc....  Kids should dress for being outside all day, bring a lunch, water bottle and sunscreen. No swimming will happen. June 15th - Last day of school, kids are dismissed at 11:45. Lunch in classrooms but bagged lunches are available. There are some great pictures in our shared folders .