Open House & More

The Harmony team is planning an open house on Wednesday, December 20th from 8 - 8:30am.  This will be a short celebration of student learning and growth that will include some "Small Moment" narrative stories to read and you might even play a math work place game or read a book with your child. If there are any adults who would be willing to bring in some breakfast snacks or drinks that would be great way to add to the festivities.  Let me know if you want to contribute to the following list:

  • Paper plates, cups & utensils
  • Juice, cider, milk or other healthy drinks
  • Fruit
  • "Bready" items (bagels or breads)

Thank you for working on the Sight Word lists with you child. Another easy way to practice these is to have kids copy each word down on index cards and then you can use them like flash cards.  Here is an article I wrote about how to do flash cards with students for math facts but the same research applies...use what they know to learn what they don't know!
